Louise Farrell: Fate
September 1-26, 2021
First Friday Reception: Friday, September 3, 2021, 5:00-8:00 pm
Artists Opening Reception: Friday, September 10, 2021, 5:00-8:00 pm
Fate, fiber, 120 x 48 x 48 inches, 2019-2021.
Artist Statement
The catalyst for this piece was hearing that a very old friend had suffered an unexpected and devastating setback.
At the time I was reading the Norse sagas. In them, the symbol of life is the tree, Yggdrasil. According to the Norse, our individual lives are the roots or this tree. These roots, are our histories, our stories, our lives. Some are long and some very short. Those in allow who we are, who we know, how long we live.
Dying and attaching each rope or skein became a meditative pastime for me.