Diane Novetsky
Debra Samdperil
Wendy Seller
On Kyeong Seong
Vaughn Sills
Rhonda Smith
Elif Soyer
Virgilijs Tilks (Emerging Artist)
Hilary Tolan
Ann Wessmann
Luanne E Witkowski
Kingston Gallery is one of the oldest artist-run cooperatives in New England, with the mission of showcasing high-quality contemporary art in all media. The gallery is governed, staffed, and maintained by artist members.
Kingston Gallery Members mount a solo exhibition in the Main Gallery every two to three years and a solo exhibition in the Project Space in alternating years.
Associate Members
Associate Members enable the gallery to meaningfully engage with a number of artists and to exhibit a wide range of high-quality contemporary art. The Associates regularly meet throughout the year and participate in many Kingston gallery activities, including organizing, installing, and staffing the well-received annual Associates' exhibition.