Randy Garber
Margaret Hart
Amy Kaczur
Sharon Kaitz
Iwalani Kaluhiokalani
Mario Kon
Mary Lang
Brian Littlefield
Virginia Mahoney
Nat Martin
Jennifer Moses
Jennifer Liston Munson
Kingston Gallery is one of the oldest artist-run cooperatives in New England, with the mission of showcasing high-quality contemporary art in all media. The gallery is governed, staffed, and maintained by artist members.
Kingston Gallery Members mount a solo exhibition in the Main Gallery every two to three years and a solo exhibition in the Project Space in alternating years.
Associate Members
Kathline Carr
Martha Chason-Sokol
Stacey Cushner
Sally Dion
Madge EversSara
Sara Fine-Wilson
Jim Fenzel
Jane Lincoln
Vicki McKenna
Jeffery Nowlin
Associate Members enable the gallery to meaningfully engage with a number of artists and to exhibit a wide range of high-quality contemporary art. The Associates regularly meet throughout the year and participate in many Kingston gallery activities, including organizing, installing, and staffing the well-received annual Associates' exhibition.