Boundaries/Borders: A Member's Group Exhibition
March 2–27, 2022
Opening Reception: Friday, March 4, 2022, 5:00-8:00 pm
What does it mean to exist within a border? How do we define the hard lines or soft edges of boundaries and the liminal spaces around and between them? Ilona Anderson, Bonnie Donohue, Susan Greer Emmerson, Randy Garber, Meagan Hepp, Ponnapa Prakkamakul, Luanne E Witkowski of Kingston Gallery Boundaries/Borders displays a multitude of interpretations of boundaries of all kinds; geopolitical, psychological, environmental, spatial, and more.
A border can exist as an invisible geopolitical line between countries and across time. Bonnie Donohue's seminal work takes viewers to the site of the Berlin Wall and the European Green Belt, a completely de-militarized green space along the Iron Curtain that nonetheless remains a visible boundary line. Exploring the boundaries between outer surface and inner reality, the natural world and human relationships, Susan Greer Emmerson's distressed Tyvek sculptures reveal the poignant edge between trash and beauty. The combination of manufactured hard and organic soft edges of her materials and surfaces offer Luanne E Witkowski a means to question the boundaries in nature by combining paint and wood in multiple layers. Ponnapa Prakkamakul's stereographic collages based on the view through the Atacama Desert observatory telescope imagine a new, alien landscape, beyond the bounds of Earth.
Artists also engage with psychological and emotional realms, breaching liminal spaces barely perceived by the mind. Meagan Hepp's watercolor paintings of disco balls explore a playful relationship with color and light, imaginatively filling physical spaces left barren by the pandemic. Randy Garber investigates perception and how meaning is deciphered. Her prints evoke both a sense of order and orderly growth gone awry. In a similar vein, Ilona Anderson's digital animation uses the medium of time to explore the arising and dissolving of forms and space, questioning the boundary between the two.