Ilona Anderson: The Union of the Sun and the Moon
August 30 - October 2, 2022
Artist Reception: (following socially distanced guidelines) Friday, September 2, 2022
and another on First Friday, September 9, 2022, 5-8pm
“Leave the front door and the back door open
Allow your thoughts to come and go
Just don’t serve them tea”
Suzuki Roshi
“I exist as I am, that is enough” Walt Whitman
“Don’t try to correct, suppress or cultivate anything.” Patrul Rinpoche
Mind searches for a narrative to enter and land somewhere so we know the journey to pursue.
Having this conscious entry point can take viewers to a place the artist wants to lead them.
My view, (which is the Buddhist view) is predicated on the non-existence of the watcher, the watched and the creator.
Buddhism is about dissolving our fixation on ourselves, on the process of meditating, and on any result we might gain from it. Through meditation, we begin to get the hang of living with a non-grasping attitude.
In my work I have been exploring ways to represent this view and in creating these animations which arise, exist, and dissolve I have been attempting to express this in a tangible form.