Whistling in the Dark
July 28 - August 29, 2021
Opening Reception: Friday, August 6, 2021, 5:00-8:00 pm
Jurors Statement
After reading James Baldwin's words from his interview with Studs Terkel and discussing what it means to be disruptive, we started focusing on the stories that people have to tell. As we talked, we had to acknowledge an institutional tradition of minimizing some stories while amplifying others. At a time when hearts and minds are becoming more open, we wanted to take this opportunity to amplify the voices that have been minimized. We chose artists who are telling stories in response to this transformative moment where difficult conversations are unfolding, challenges are being addressed, and optimism is needed.
Whistling in the Dark features the following artists: Jaypix Belmer, Madge Evers, Mia Fabrizio, Percy Fortini-Wright, Carol Greenwood, John Greiner-Ferris, Willoughby Lucas Hastings, Michelle Maroon, Jameel Radcliffe, Eileen Taylor, and Chloe Tomasetta.