Erica Licea-Kane: Embedded Parts
September 1-26, 2021
First Friday Reception: Friday, September 3, 2021, 5:00-8:00 pm
Artists Opening Reception: Friday, September 10, 2021, 5:00-8:00 pm
The Counterparts (detail), acrylic pigment acrylic medium, collage, pom poms, wood, 7.5 x 12 x .5 inches, 2020.
Artist Statement
These pieces reference landscapes and aerial views, and invite viewers to pause, and closely explore the built surfaces. The layers and color interactions are often embedded and almost hidden, but yet, help to support the overall imagery with glimmers of underlife. Each layer informs the next as I emphasize and connect shapes, reinforced by color and value relationships that help to fully define the work. often, the layers and materials are only evident at the rich edges of the work.
My textile training significantly informs my studio work from the design structures inherent in textiles, to the repetitive and time-based approach to art making, and my cognizance in mixing media in a well "crafted" way.
I always think of my studio practice as a celebration of process, my love for materials and the interactions of formal elements.