Brett S. Poza: Plywood Forest
On View from June 29th to July 31st, 2022
Opening Reception July 8th, 2022, 5:00 - 8:00 pm
My Neighbor’s Tree, 2022 (pyrograpy on plywood)
Artist Statement
Brett Poza’s show, Plywood Forest, displays more than twenty small works depicting trees that are burned into the surface of wood blocks or plywood using a variety of techniques. Poza’s focus is on the trees we ignore or discard, who are stationary witnesses to change over generations. Her trees are examples of adaptation despite climate change, unsuitable settings, or disease. “I draw trees, not perfect trees, nor particularly healthy trees. Instead, these are trees that represent resilience, steadfastness, and the persistence to keep growing despite isolation, invasion by other species or inclement weather. Some persevere with contorted and diminished grace, having been imported and planted in a climate that doesn't suit them. I find poetry in their defects and scars, their broken branches, and healed wounds.”